Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How To Keep Your Cat Happy And Healthy

It isn’t easy to adopt a cat and quickly get up-to-speed on how to care for it. You should not adopt a cat until you are better prepared. Just remember, even with proper planning, there will always be unknowns when dealing with cats. However, you can plan for as much as possible by considering the useful tips that follow.

A cat’s claws can cause lots of damage to your home. If you find your cat shredding your furniture, consider purchasing a scratching post or cat tower. They can scratch the post instead. Your cat will eventually understand they should only use the post or tower for scratching.

You may want to have a microchip implanted in your cat. Even though a cat may live inside, you never know if it will run out the door to escape. Collars and tags can help get your cat home, however cats are experts at wiggling out of these, not to mention the risk they pose if they were to get snagged on a bush or tree branch. Your important information can all fit nicely on a rice grain sized microchip. Most shelters and veterinarians can scan your pet to read the information on the chip, and the chip cannot be lost since it is beneath the skin.

Try to avoid your cat from becoming bored each day. They need exercise and they get it through play. Too frequently this need is overlooked by owners. Boredom can beget illness. Give them plenty of room to exercise and a wide selections of toys. You need to provide your cats with something they can climb and scratch.

Such training concepts are useful for all types of cats. These are tried and true ideas that have been proven to help raise a cat properly, however there are always individual instances where things change. Just remember to enjoy every minute with your adopted kitten no matter what.

How To Keep Your Cat Happy And Healthy

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