Most people experience some things they do not think about when they get a cat. Getting pets before properly preparing is a disaster. You can’t ever be 100% prepared when you own a pet. The following tips can put you in the best position as a caretaker.
Keep drape cords away from cats. Do not let your cat play with these. If the cords are in loops and the cat jumps into them or plays with them, they could possibly get them caught around their neck. This could lead to a severe injury or even death. It is highly recommended that you keep all drape cords pinned in such a way that the cat can’t see them so as to prevent any accidents.
Cats are curious by nature, which can end up getting them into trouble. If they are wearing a collar this can pose a safety risk, in the event that your cat gets stuck. Collars designed to release when sufficient force is applied (“breakaway” collars) are a great idea. That’ll keep kitty safe.
Older cats will appreciate a heated bed; you can use a heated tile to create one! You can do this simply with a terra cotta tile measuring a square foot. Heated in your oven around 200 degrees, it can be ready in as little as 15 minutes. Put the tile inside a towel and place it under the cat’s bedding. You can even switch it out every few hours.
Prevent your cat from getting zapped by coating exposed wires with bitter apple. If they like to chew on cords, try covering them as much as you can. You can take loose cords, bundle them up, and stick them inside the tube from an old roll of paper towels. Personal electronic devices should be stored when not needed to keep their cords out of reach.
The excellent advice provided here is helpful for any cat regardless of its breed or age. They are the basics on which your plans should be based. Just remember to offer lots of love and companionship to your cat. This is the key instruction to follow.
Helpful Advice About Cats Can Be Found In The Following Article
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